humantektur gGmbH
1. Name, registered office, address and year of foundation
Our organization humantektur gGmbH, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Str. 64 12103 Berlin
Founded: 2021 in Berlin
2. Complete articles of association or partnership agreement as well as other essential documents that provide information about the specific goals we pursue and how these are achieved (e.g. vision, mission statement, values, funding criteria)
humantektur gGmbH has been a recognized non-profit organization since 14.05.2021
Shareholder agreement of humantektur gGmbH
Current register entry humantektur gGmbH vom 20.08.2024
3. Date of the most recent notice from the tax office regarding recognition as a tax-privileged (non-profit) corporation, if it is such a corporation 17.08.2021
Notification of non-profit status
4. Name and function of the key decision-makers (e.g. management, Executive Board and supervisory bodies) Michael Grausam, Managing Director and Maike Buttler, Managing Director equal managing partners
5. Report on the activities of our organization: timely, comprehensible and as comprehensive as can be produced with reasonable effort (e.g. copy of the report to be submitted annually to the members’ or shareholders’ meeting) Annual Report 2023, detailed description of activities on pages 6 to 11
6. Staff structure: Number of full-time employees, freelancers, part-time employees, volunteers; information on volunteers Team
7. Source of funds: Information on all income, presented as part of the annual income / expenditure or profit and loss account, broken down into funds from the non-material sector (e.g. donations, membership and sponsorship contributions), public donations, income from commercial business operations, special-purpose operations and / or asset management Annual Report 2023, see financial overview on pages 16 to 18
8. Use of funds: Information on the use of all income, presented as part of the annual statement of income and expenditure or profit and loss account and the balance sheet or balance sheet Annual Report 2023, see financial overview on pages 16 to 18
9. Affiliation under company law with third parties, e.g. parent company or subsidiary, development association, outsourced business operation, partner organization humantektur gGmbH is a spin-off from humantektur PartG (partner company).
10. Names of legal entities whose annual donations (including contributions, service charges, fees, project funds, donations, etc.) account for more than ten percent of our total annual income. Information on corresponding donations from natural persons will be published with their consent, but will in any case be marked as “large donations from private individuals”. Bread for the World, Engagement Global, Caritas International
Annual reports: